Economy & Business

"Builder Of Controversial Keystone XL Pipeline Says It's Moving Forward"

"After a decade of protests and political reversals in the U.S., the Canadian company behind the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline says it has made a final decision to build the long-delayed project. Once completed, it would deliver more than 830,000 barrels per day of crude oil from Alberta's oil sands, or 'tar sands,' region to the United States."

Source: NPR, 04/02/2020

"Pandemic: EPA Enforcement Move Meets API Wish List — And Then Some"

"Three days before EPA issued a policy signaling to industry it would not penalize companies for failing to comply with environmental laws during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the American Petroleum Institute sent the agency a wish list. The oil and gas lobby got more than it had hoped for."

Source: Greenwire, 04/02/2020

"Will Renewables Ride Out The Virus Better Than Oil And Gas?"

"Few industries have survived the novel coronavirus pandemic unscathed — and the renewable energy sector is no exception. But market watchers say there are signs that wind and solar companies are in a better position to rebound from the crisis than their counterparts in the oil and gas industry."

Source: ClimateWire, 04/01/2020

Standing Together in Spite of Distancing

Journalists cannot help but be part of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic story, balancing our mandate to be a key information source with our own health and safety, writes Society of Environmental Journalists President Meera Subramanian. But SEJ is right there with them, providing resources and a shared sense of purpose and connection. Find out how SEJ can help, plus SEJ’s plans to weather the related economic crisis, preparations for the annual conference this fall and more. Read the latest SEJ President’s Report.

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SEJ Webinar: Covering a Crisis: Climate, Coronavirus and Global (In)Action

How should the media cover a crisis? SEJ's 2020 webinar series launched April 2 with a discussion of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform how journalists, scientists and advocates communicate about and address climate change. Panelists: Denis Hayes, The Earth Day Network and The Bullitt Foundation; Alice Hill, Council on Foreign Relations; and John Mecklin, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, moderated by Guardian US' Emily Holden.


Tribe That Drew Trump’s Fire Over Casino Loses Its Reservation Status

"The U.S. Interior Department is rescinding the reservation status of a Native American tribe whose plan to build a casino on its Massachusetts land was attacked by President Donald Trump last year."

Source: HuffPost, 03/30/2020


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