Economy & Business

"Climate Advisers Show Britain Path To Green Recovery"

"Britain should use economic stimulus measures to speed a shift away from fossil fuels and take advantage of low oil prices to raise revenues from carbon taxes without hurting consumers, state-appointed climate advisers said on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/06/2020

"Coronavirus Could Drive 'Mass Abandonment' Of Oil Wells"

"In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that's shaken the global oil sector, oil states fighting to restart their economies may face another kind of crisis: orphaned wells. The pandemic could add thousands of wells to already-strapped programs to reclaim old oil infrastructure in the West and Appalachia."

Source: Energywire, 05/06/2020

"Ecotourism Collapse Threatens Communities And Wildlife"

"From the vast plains of the Masai Mara in Kenya to the delicate corals of the Aldabra atoll in the Seychelles, conservation work to protect some of the world’s most important ecosystems is facing crisis following a collapse in ecotourism during the Covid-19 pandemic."

Source: Guardian, 05/06/2020

"Rich Nations Must Make Pandemic Recovery Plans Green: Global Investors"

"The world’s richest nations must ensure their COVID-19 recovery plans are sustainable and help meet the goals of the Paris climate accord, according to leading global investor groups that together manage trillions of dollars in assets."

Source: Reuters, 05/05/2020

"Fed Changes Open Door for More Drillers to Get Loans"

"The Federal Reserve revamped its Main Street Lending Program in ways that will allow battered oil companies to qualify for the aid after industry allies lobbied the Trump administration for changes."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/04/2020

Fossil Firms Linked To Trump Get Millions In Virus Small Business Aid

"US fossil fuel companies have taken at least $50m in taxpayer money they probably won’t have to pay back, according to a review of coronavirus aid meant for struggling small businesses by the investigative research group Documented and the Guardian. A total of $28m is going to three coal mining companies, all with ties to Trump officials, bolstering a dying American industry and a fuel that scientists insist world leaders must shift away from to avoid the worst of the climate crisis."

Source: Guardian, 05/04/2020

Smokey’s 420 Gets the ‘Dirt’ on Pot Crop

The story of Smokey’s 420, mom-and-pop pot shop that’s taken a more environmental perspective. Plus, why the explosion in the infant business legal cannabis could be bad news for the environment, if left largely unregulated. 

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