Economy & Business

"Shuffle of EPA's Science Advisers Elevates Those With Industry Ties"

"A shuffle to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) independent board of science advisers will add a longtime consultant who has worked for the tobacco and chemicals industries while promoting a member listed as someone “not to pick” by the Union of Concerned Scientists to be the panel's chair."

Source: The Hill, 10/16/2020

Time To Flip the Ocean Script — From Victim to Solution

The narrative around the ocean should become a more hopeful one, argues former NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco. As evidence at the Society of Environmental Journalists’ recent virtual conference, Lubchenco cites a top-level international analysis that suggests the ocean can play a positive role in everything from reducing climate change to securing the future of food. Find out more.

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Could Dems Borrow GOP Playbook To Roll Back Trump Rules?

If oddsmakers are right and the Dems sweep the White House and both houses of Congress next month, one significant outcome could be the rollback of prominent Trump administration deregulatory moves. The latest TipSheet explains how an arcane law might make such reversals possible, and then spotlights half-a-dozen potentially vulnerable Trump regulatory actions.

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"Height of Fashion? Clothes Mountains Build Up As Recycling Breaks Down"

"Clothes recycling is the pressure-release valve of fast fashion, and it’s breaking under COVID-19 curbs. The multi-billion-dollar trade in second-hand clothing helps prevent the global fashion industry’s growing pile of waste going straight to landfill, while keeping wardrobes clear for next season’s designs."

Source: Reuters, 10/06/2020

"Boris Johnson: Wind Farms Could Power Every Home By 2030"

"Offshore wind farms will generate enough electricity to power every home in the UK within a decade, Boris Johnson has pledged. Speaking to the Conservative party conference, the PM announced £160m to upgrade ports and factories for building turbines to help the country "build back greener"."

Source: BBC News, 10/06/2020

Need Climate Questions? We’ve Got Climate Questions.

Climate change may have made an unexpected appearance at the raucous 2020 presidential debate last night, but it's equally important to quiz state and local candidates on the topic too. The latest TipSheet offers environment and energy journalists a list of 10 key climate change questions to ask in reporting elections in your coverage area.

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