
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Ships Speeding Through US 'Go Slow' Zones Meant To Protect Endangered Whale

"More than 80% of ships are speeding through "go slow" zones set by environmental regulators along the U.S. East Coast to protect endangered North Atlantic Right Whales, according to a report released on Thursday by environmental group Oceana."

Source: Reuters, 10/20/2023

Enviros Warn Of Intent To Sue Over Snail Species Near Nev. Lithium Mine

"In an ongoing legal battle with the Biden administration over a Nevada lithium mine, environmentalists are poised to return to court with a new approach accusing U.S. wildlife officials of dragging their feet on a year-old petition seeking endangered species status for a tiny snail that lives nearby."

Source: AP, 10/17/2023

Factory Fishing In Antarctica For Krill Threatens A Fragile Ecosystem

"The Antarctic Endeavour glides across the water’s silky surface as dozens of fin whales spray rainbows from their blowholes into a fairy tale icescape of massive glaciers. But as a patrol of environmentalists approaches the Chilean super trawler in an inflatable boat, the cruder realities of modern industrial fishing come into view."

Source: AP, 10/17/2023


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