
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Seabed Mining May Dredge Up Real Minerals, Fishy Worries in 2024

The mining of the ocean floor has stirred up significant debate, much of which clouds the realities of whether and to what degree it would cause ecological harm to one of the world’s greatest resources. This week’s TipSheet looks more closely at the controversy, which may well come to a head in the coming year. The latest entry in SEJournal’s 2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment and Energy.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 16, 2023

DEADLINE: EJN Reporting Fellowships

To mark its 20th anniversary in 2024, Earth Journalism Network is offering a new year-long virtual fellowship program for journalists which will enhance reporting over four priority areas — climate change, biodiversity, the ocean and One Health. Deadline to apply: Nov 16, 2023.


Navajo Sheep Herding At Risk From Climate Change. Youth Maintain Tradition

"WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Whenever Amy Begaye’s extended family butchered a sheep, she was given what she considered easy tasks — holding the legs and catching the blood with a bowl. She was never given the knife. That changed recently."

Source: AP, 10/31/2023

Tiny Deer And Rising Seas: Climate Change Tests Endangered Species Act

"Some people keep dogs in their backyards. In the Florida Keys, some residents have deer the size of a golden retriever in their yards. As sea levels rise and salt water climbs higher on the islands, it's shrinking habitat for this deer — which already has an estimated population of at most 1,000."

Source: NPR, 10/25/2023

‘I Got To Know The Wolf’: Spain’s Shepherds Learn To Live With Old Enemy

"In the pre-dawn darkness of Sierra de la Culebra, Zamora, Spain, a sudden howl pierces the cold. More join in, until the baying chorus echoes all around. As the sky begins to lighten, their shapes emerge: first the alpha male, and then the rest of the wolf pack, appearing in the twilight where light and darkness merge.

Source: Guardian, 10/23/2023


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