
June 11, 2014

The Issues Surrounding Mandatory GMO Labeling: What You Need To Know

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology has developed a free webinar, 2-3pm, to discuss GMOs and labelling, featuring two of the authors of a controversial new paper who will explain the science, law, and economic facts behind this critical issue. An open Q&A will follow. Pre-registration required.


USDA Launches $1.2 Billion in Grants for Conservation Projects

"The federal government is taking a new approach to conservation with a $1.2 billion program in the Farm Bill that will include competitive grants for soil and water improvements in eight regions, including the longleaf pine forests of North Carolina and other Southern states, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Thursday.

'This is a new day,' Vilsack said in an interview.

Source: McClatchy, 06/02/2014

"Court Battle Looms Over Vermont’s GMO Food Labeling Law"

"MONTPELIER, Vt. -- Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin has signed a first-in-the-nation law requiring the labeling of food produced by genetic engineering. 'I am proud that we’re leading the way in the United States to require labeling of genetically engineered food,' said the governor. 'More than 60 countries have already restricted or labeled these foods, and now one state, Vermont, will also ensure that we know what’s in the food we buy and serve our families.'"

Source: ENS, 05/27/2014


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