"A Virus That Killed 7 Million Swine Has Reemerged in Indiana"

"Bacon prices could be on their way up with news that a farm in Indiana has confirmed a second outbreak of a pig disease that has already killed off seven million swine in just over a year.

The farm’s veterinarian, Matt Ackerman, announced on Tuesday that the unidentified farm had experienced a re-break of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), making it the first in the country to publicly confirm a second incident.

'Just because a farm broke with PEDv last year doesn't mean that they are protected from re-breaking with it this year,' Ackerman told Reuters."

Kayla Ruble reports for Vice News May 28, 2014.


"Exclusive: Deadly Pig Virus Re-Infects U.S. Farm, Fuels Supply Fears" (Reuters)

Source: Vice, 06/04/2014