
Pig Virus Wipes Out Over 10 Percent Of Nation's Hogs; Pork Prices Spike

"CHICAGO -- John Goihl, a hog nutritionist in Shakopee, Minnesota, knows a farmer in his state who lost 7,500 piglets just after they were born. In Sampson County, North Carolina, 12,000 of Henry Moore's piglets died in three weeks. Some 30,000 piglets perished at John Prestage's Oklahoma operation in the fall of 2013."

Source: Reuters, 04/28/2014

Why Are 20 Far-Away States Trying To Block Cleanup Of Chesapeake Bay?

"Over the years, the Chesapeake Bay has been known for many things: bountiful seafood, such as clams, oysters and the bay’s iconic blue crabs; its boating, fishing and water sports industry; its curly-haired duck-hunting dogs."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/18/2014

"One-Fifth of China’s Farmland Is Polluted, State Study Finds"

"The Chinese government released a report on Thursday that said nearly one-fifth of its arable land was polluted, a finding certain to raise questions about the toxic results of China’s rapid industrialization, its lack of regulations over commercial interests and the consequences for the national food chain."

Source: NY Times, 04/18/2014

"Plant Breeders Release First 'Open Source Seeds'"

"A group of scientists and food activists is launching a campaign Thursday to change the rules that govern seeds. They're releasing 29 new varieties of crops under a new 'open source pledge' that's intended to safeguard the ability of farmers, gardeners, and plant breeders to share those seeds freely. It's inspired by the example of open source software, which is freely available for anyone to use, but cannot legally be converted into anyone's proprietary product."

Source: NPR, 04/17/2014


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