
February 6, 2012

AJC NY Presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Controversy

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) NY Energy Committee presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Debate - Balancing the benefits of accessing shale assets with the importance of implementing effective measures to protect the environment. 5:30 p.m. with light refreshments.


March 15, 2024

DEADLINE: Heinrich Böll Foundation's Transatlantic Media Fellowships

The fellowships support journalists in researching stories in the EU. It has a strong focus on recruiting journalists with diverse backgrounds who might not otherwise have the opportunity to do international reporting. In 2024, policy areas include climate & energy policy, among others. Cash stipend for in-person or digital fellowship. Apply by Mar 15.


"California Air Board To Vote on Landmark Electric-Car Rules"

"In a move that could reshape the American automobile industry, California regulators Thursday are expected to approve sweeping new rules requiring that 15 percent of new cars sold in California by 2025 run on electricity, hydrogen or other systems producing little or no smog."

"The regulations by the California Air Resources Board, dubbed the 'advanced clean car rules,' would start in 2018, ramping up each year and ultimately resulting in 1.4 million 'zero emission' vehicles on California roads by 2025. Today there are only about 10,000 such vehicles in the state. ...

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 01/26/2012

"Wasting the Wastewater"

"Each day, American municipalities discharge treated wastewater back into natural sources at a rate that would fill an empty Lake Champlain within six months. Growing pressure on water supplies and calls for updating the ancient subterranean piping infrastructure have brought new scrutiny to this step in the treatment process, which is labeled wasteful and unnecessary by a spectrum of voices."

Source: Green (NYT), 01/26/2012

"Judge Chambers Blocks Health Studies From Mine Permit Case"

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A federal judge has sided with Alpha Natural Resources in the company's effort to keep testimony about West Virginia University studies linking mountaintop removal to birth defects and cancer among coalfield residents out of a legal challenge to one of Alpha's new mining permits."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 01/26/2012


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