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GM Crops Get Boost Over Organics With Recent USDA Rulings

"At the supermarket, most shoppers are oblivious to a battle raging within U.S. agriculture and the Obama administration’s role in it. Two thriving but opposing sectors — organics and genetically engineered crops — have been warring on the farm, in the courts and in Washington."

Source: Wash Post, 03/24/2011

"First North Pole Ozone Hole Forming?"

"Spawned by strangely cold temperatures, 'beautiful' clouds helped strip the Arctic atmosphere of most of its protective ozone this winter, new research shows."

Source: NatGeo, 03/24/2011

"Super-Moon To Rise On Saturday"

"An especially large moon will appear to rise on Saturday in the most extreme example of a so-called super-moon phenomenon in nearly 20 years, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory."

Source: Reuters, 03/24/2011

"Japan Moves to Calm Fears About Its Tap Water"

"The Japanese authorities are considering a plan to import bottled water from overseas, a government official said Thursday morning, a day after spreading contamination from a crippled nuclear plant led to a panicked rush to buy water in Tokyo."

Source: NY Times, 03/24/2011

"Japan Nuclear Crisis Revives Long U.S. Fight on Spent Fuel"

"The threat of the release of highly radioactive spent fuel at a Japanese nuclear plant has revived a debate in the United States about how to manage such waste and has led to new recriminations over a derailed plan for a national repository in Nevada."

Source: NY Times, 03/24/2011
