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"On NBC, the Missing Story About Parent Company General Electric"

"It’s the kind of accountability journalism that makes readers raise an eyebrow, if it doesn’t raise their blood pressure first. General Electric Co., reported the New York Times last week, earned $14.2 billion in worldwide profits last year, including $5.1 billion in the United States — and paid exactly zero dollars in federal taxes."

Source: Wash Post, 03/30/2011

"Confidence Slips Away as Japan Battles Nuclear Peril"

TEPCO and the Japanese government's constant assurances that the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima is under control have started to unravel. Releases of radioactive material continue. Mounting radiation at the site threatens to curtail efforts to prevent more radiation releases.

Source: NY Times, 03/30/2011

"US Group Wants No New N-Plants, End To Relicensing"

"A consumer and environmental advocacy group urged the Obama administration to freeze construction of new nuclear reactors and halt re-licensing of the oldest of the nation's 104 plants until safety lessons from the Japanese nuclear crisis can be absorbed."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 03/30/2011

"Court OKs Air-Pollution Restrictions for Ships"

"A federal appeals court rejected a shipping industry challenge Monday to California's offshore air pollution rules requiring vessels to use low-sulfur fuel within 24 miles of the coast, standards that the court said would save about 3,500 lives over six years while modestly increasing shipping costs."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 03/29/2011

Canada: "Pollution In Our Melting Snow"

"With birds chirping and temperatures warming , spring is finally in the air. But for University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) environmental chemist Torsten Meyer, springtime has a dark side."

Source: SPX, 03/29/2011

"Big Quakes Don't Trigger Global Chain: USGS"

"Big earthquakes over the last 30 years have not triggered global chains of massive seismic activity, U.S. scientists reported on Monday. But major quakes do trigger other big ones close by and smaller ones far away, researchers said."

Source: Reuters, 03/29/2011

"Scientists Tune In To The 'Voices Of The Landscape'"

"There's nothing new about studying animal sounds; ...  But Bryan Pijanowski is now asking his colleagues to take a huge step back and, metaphorically speaking, listen not just to the trees, but to the forest."

Source: NPR, 03/29/2011
