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"Texas Could Require Disclosure of Drilling Chemicals"

"Hydraulic fracturing, an increasingly common method of extracting natural gas that involves shooting a concoction of water, sand and chemicals deep underground, has sparked controversy around the country — not least because drillers mostly keep their chemical formulas secret. But Texas, the leading gas-producing state, could help change industry practices by requiring public disclosure of the chemicals used."

Source: Texas Tribune, 03/28/2011

"Lung Association Faults Commerce Chairman in Ads"

"The American Lung Association has opened a billboard campaign against Fred Upton, the Republican chairman of the House Commerce and Energy Committee, taking him to task for his legislative attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency and clean air regulations."

Source: NY Times, 03/28/2011

"Groups Demand Data on Radiation Release"

"As the Japanese authorities order a wider evacuation area around the stricken Fukushima reactor complex to as far out as 19 miles, three health and environmental groups in the United States announced that they were seeking further information about why American officials recommended that its citizens keep at least 50 miles away."

Source: NY Times, 03/28/2011

"German Chancellor Angela Merkel Suffers Historic Defeat"

"German chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives have suffered a historic defeat in a state ballot after almost six decades in power there, partial results showed Sunday, in an election that amounted to a referendum on the party's stance on nuclear power."

Source: AP, 03/28/2011

Reporter's Toolbox: Covering Tsunamis

Tsunamis are urgent news when the warning sounds. When a big one catches people unprepared, the disaster can be huge. But there are further stories about planning, preparation, disaster-proofing, recovery, and more.

"Nuclear Rules in Japan Relied on Old Science"

"In the country that gave the world the word tsunami, the Japanese nuclear establishment largely disregarded the potentially destructive force of the walls of water. The word did not even appear in government guidelines until 2006, decades after plants — including the Fukushima Daiichi facility that firefighters are still struggling to get under control — began dotting the Japanese coastline."

Source: NY Times, 03/28/2011

Reporter's Toolbox: Nuclear Energy

The use of nuclear energy to generate power has been a major policy debate for decades. While the best decisions may be based on facts, many risk calculations are actually values choices. Here are some of the best sources for both facts and opinion.

Toolbox: Reporting on Earthquakes

Earthquakes are often enough a disaster and response story. But there are important stories all the time about seismicity, preparation, prevention, planning, engineering, and other facets. Here are some key sources and starting points for reporters.

"Japan Encourages a Wider Evacuation From Reactor Area"

"Japanese officials began encouraging people to evacuate a larger swath of territory around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Friday as new signs emerged that parts of the crippled facility are so damaged and contaminated that it will be hard to bring the plant under control soon."

Source: NY Times, 03/25/2011
