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"Japan Extended Reactor's Life, Despite Warning"

"Just a month before a powerful earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima Daiichi plant at the center of Japan's nuclear crisis, government regulators approved a 10-year extension for the oldest of the six reactors at the power station despite warnings about its safety."

Source: NY Times, 03/22/2011

Nuclear in the Spotlight

A chance to express hope for Japan and a green future…Please join us at this important event. Proceeds to go to Japan relief efforts as well as to OCAA. With performances by Mike Ford, Meghan Morrison, Richard Underhill, Michael Louis Johnson, the Raging Grannies, and more. Special guest speaker Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear will address the current situation in Japan. Wed. March 30, 7:30 p.m. Annex Live, 296 Brunswick (at Bloor), Toronto.


The (Not So) New Executive Order on Regulatory Review, and What to Expect

The Environmental Law Institute invites you to join a panel discussion of the practical consequences of the regulatory EO; the process that will be used; environmental regulations and agencies expected to receive greater scrutiny; the role of Congress; and legal questions about the EO’s authority.

"Trash, Toxic Emissions Up at Local Landfills"

"With more trash coming into Keystone Sanitary Landfill in Dunmore, dangerous air emissions are on the rise, a Sunday Times analysis of state records found. The review also found the state Department of Environmental Protection relies upon the landfills to monitor air quality and report problems."

Source: Scranton Times Tribune, 03/21/2011

Indian Point Evacuation Plan Called Unrealistic

The U.S. has called for evacuating a 50-mile radius around the stricken Japanese nuclear plant. If a similar disaster were to require evacuation around the Indian Point plant, the comparble circle would include almost all of New York City and a big chunk of New Jersey. Despite an evacuation "plan," such an evacuation on short notice would be unrealistic.

Source: NY Times, 03/21/2011

"Former NRC Member Says Renaissance Is Dead, for Now"

"The birth of the 'nuclear renaissance' and proposed construction of up to 100 new nuclear reactors in the United States will be crippled by the crisis in Japan as regulators struggle to incorporate 'lessons learned' into the country's existing nuclear fleet, a former member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said [Friday]."

Source: Greenwire, 03/21/2011

"Delay in Coal Pollution Rules Took Toll in Lives"

"That it would take more than 20 years for federal regulators to finally propose toxic emissions standards for the power industry is testament to both the slow wheels of bureaucracy and the clout of the nation’s utility and coal interests, which bitterly — and for years, successfully — fought the controls, even as other industries bowed under."

Source: Green/NYT, 03/21/2011
