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Bridging the Gaps: Public Health and Radiation Emergency Preparedness

The Radiation Studies Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will sponsor a national conference on public health preparedness for radiation emergencies. 

"Toronto's Ticking Landfills"

"They’re our dirty little forgotten secret: the city’s 161 closed garbage dumps. Forty one of them are still active, spewing gases and discharging a toxic slurry into sewers and waterways. City staff say we shouldn’t be worried, even while reserve funds to maintain the sites have been emptied in Rob Ford’s budget juggling. Truth is, our track record isn’t very good when it comes to putting these oozing mounds to bed."

Source: Now Toronto, 03/18/2011

Pa. Waste Hauler Accused Of Dumping Gas Drilling Sludge Into Streams

"HOLBROOK, Pa. -- A waste hauler and his company were charged Thursday with dozens of criminal counts for what prosecutors said was years of dumping millions of gallons of wastewater from natural gas drilling, sewage sludge and restaurant grease into streams and mine shafts."

Source: AP, 03/18/2011

Quebec Halts Fracking For Oil And Gas

"QUEBEC – Nathalie Normandeau, Quebec’s natural resources minister, announced Wednesday that the Quebec government would no longer authorize any hydraulic fracturing operations in the province."

Source: Montreal Gazette, 03/18/2011

"Frantic Repairs Go On At Plant As Japan Raises Severity Of Crisis"

"Japanese engineers battled on Friday to cool spent fuel rods and restore electric power to pumps at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station as new challenges seemed to accumulate by the hour, with steam billowing from one reactor and damage at another apparently making it difficult to lower temperatures."

Source: NY Times, 03/18/2011
