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"Bid to 'Protect Assets' Slowed Reactor Fight"

"Crucial efforts to tame Japan's crippled nuclear plant were delayed by concerns over damaging valuable power assets and by initial passivity on the part of the government, people familiar with the situation said, offering new insight into the management of the crisis."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 03/21/2011

"Regulator Says Fuel Pools at U.S. Reactors Are Ready for Emergencies"

"The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Sunday morning that the spent fuel pools at American nuclear reactors are less vulnerable than the ones in Japan because of steps ordered by his agency after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, including having utilities prepare to use fire hoses to pump in extra water in the event ordinary cooling systems are knocked out."

Source: NY Times, 03/21/2011

"Workers Pulled at Japan Nuke Plant As Smoke Rises"

"Operators evacuated workers from Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear plant Monday after gray smoke rose from one of its reactor units, the latest of persistent troubles in stabilizing the radiation-leaking complex."

Source: AP, 03/21/2011

"Japan Finds Contaminated Food Up to 90 Miles From Nuclear Sites"

"TOKYO — The government said Saturday that it had found higher than normal levels of radioactive materials in spinach and milk at farms up to 90 miles away from the ravaged nuclear power plants, the first confirmation by officials that the unfolding nuclear crisis has affected the nation’s food supply."

Source: NY Times, 03/19/2011

Webcast: Briefing on NRC Response to Recent Nuclear Events in Japan

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be briefed by its staff on the NRC’s response to the ongoing nuclear event in Japan in a public meeting on March 21, 9-11 a.m. at NRC HQ in Rockville, Md. The event will be webcast.
