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"Harper Rejects Export Ban on Asbestos"

"Conservative leader Stephen Harper has declared that Canada will not ban the export of asbestos -- despite calls from health groups -- because to do so would hurt Canadian industry."

Source: Postmedia, 04/27/2011

"Boehner Open to Ending Some Oil Tax Breaks"

"House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) yesterday walked a fine line on the thorny issue of oil-industry tax benefits targeted for elimination by the White House, stating that 'we oughta be looking at' ending some subsidies even as he ruled out any potential tax increases."

Source: Greenwire, 04/27/2011

"A Struggle To Fight Back The Sea"

"Some of the nation's richest and most important ecosystems lie where the ocean meets the land. It's these same coastal areas that are going to disappear as sea level continues to rise as a result of climate change."

Source: NPR, 04/26/2011

"Playing Politics With Climate Change"

"What Americans believe about climate change depends almost entirely on their political affiliation and not their scientific understanding, according to a new national study that found the same dynamic in two regions of Southeast Alaska."

Source: Alaska Dispatch, 04/26/2011

DC Sludge Upgrade Could Produce Valuable Fertilizer; But Critics Wary

The nation's largest advanced sewage treatement plant, Blue Plains in Washington, DC, is spending $400 million to upgrade its sludge-processing to produce "Class A" fertilizer. Critics say the cooked sludge may be free of pathogens, but the real issue may be nutrients like nitrogen or phosphorus, heavy metals like cadmium or lead, and toxic chemicals like PCBs and perfluorochemicals.

Source: Wash Post, 04/26/2011
