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"Wildlife at Risk Face Long Line at U.S. Agency"

"In February, the Obama administration declared the Pacific walrus to be at risk of extinction because its Arctic habitat was melting. But it declined to list the marine mammal as an endangered species, saying a backlog of other animals faced greater peril."

Source: NY Times, 04/21/2011

"Drilling Fluid Gushes From Northern Pa. Gas Well"

"A blowout at a natural gas well in rural northern Pennsylvania spilled thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water Wednesday, contaminating a stream and leading officials to ask seven families who live nearby to evacuate as crews struggled to stop the gusher."

Source: AP, 04/21/2011

"BP Sues Halliburton in Latest Oil Spill Claim"

"BP Plc filed a lawsuit for more than $42 billion against Halliburton, which cemented the blown-out well which caused the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, after claiming a similar sum from rig owner Transocean."

Source: Reuters, 04/21/2011

Toolbox: Data Science Toolkit

If you spend a lot of time researching things on the Internet as part of your reporting, the online Data Science Toolkit, which is especially handy with geographic data, and a book by Pete Warden could make parts of your job a lot easier.

BP Blowout Anniversary: "What's Under Elmer's Island?"

Denial of news media access to Gulf beaches has been an issue since the Deepwater Horizon disaster. There's tussling over access to (and interpretation of) scientific information on possible impacts of the spill on the Gulf ecosystem. And The Guardian obtained >30,000 pages of BP in-house memos FOIA'd by Greenpeace, which suggest BP was working hard to influence the results of the research it was paying for.

Wisconsin: Another Case Pits Freedom of Information Against Academic Freedom

A top Wisconsin Republican party official on March 17 filed a request under the state's freedom-of-information law for emails written by University of Wisconsin's William J. Cronon, after the professor blogged about the American Legislative Exchange Council, an anti-regulatory group that lobbies state legislatures.

International Sustainable Development Research Conference

The 17th annual conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society will be hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, in partnership with the United Nations Division of Sustainable Development and the Asian Development Bank Institute. The conference will explore the fundamental question of how global society's aspiration to continued growth can be harmonized with the existing limits imposed by Earth’s resources.
