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"Study Ranks Food Pathogens by Cost To Society"

"Of the food pathogens that cost society the most money — in terms of medical care, lost days of work, long-term chronic health problems or deaths — half are found in poultry, pork, beef and other meat products, according to a study due for release Thursday."

Source: Wash Post, 04/28/2011

"Blowout Could Spill 58 Million Gallons in Arctic"

"The federal agency overseeing offshore drilling in Alaska says the worst-case scenario for a blowout in the Chukchi Sea lease could result in a spill of more than 58 million gallons of oil into Arctic waters."

Source: AP, 04/28/2011

"Report Names U.S. Cities With Foulest, Cleanest Air"

"The nation's 25 most smoggy cities improved air quality over the last year, but half the nation's residents still live with unhealthy levels of air pollution, according to an American Lung Association report released on Wednesday.

Source: Reuters, 04/28/2011

Storms Pummel South; Death Toll Rises to 247

"The death toll from severe storms that punished five Southern U.S. states jumped to a staggering 178 after Alabama canvassed its hard-hit counties for a new tally of lives lost."  Latest updates put the toll at 247.

Source: AP, 04/28/2011

Reports: Fish Habitat Seriously Degraded

A National Fish Habitat Board report, which includes maps and mitigation efforts, identifies the primary human sources of US fresh- and saltwater habitat degradation as urban development, livestock grazing, agriculture, point source pollution, and areas with high numbers of active mines and dams.

50 Communities Win Fed Money To Tackle Climate Change

Last year's grant winners have efforts under way, so reporting can focus on progress that is being made, or not. Reporting on the new winners, announced in mid-April 2011, can inform the community about what is in the works, who is in charge, and what future benchmarks can be used to see if the money is being well spent.

BLM Invites More Public Comment for New Oil Shale PEIS

Public meetings in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming from April 26 to May 5, 2011 will likely be newsy events, with advocates and critics representing industry, environmentalists, local governments, and other interested groups and individuals voicing their opinions.
