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"Appeals Court Upholds California Greenhouse Gas Tailpipe Standards"

"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia [Friday] rejected an attempt to overturn California's authority to implement greenhouse gas emissions standards for new cars brought by the National Automobile Dealers Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce."

Source: ENS, 05/02/2011

"Japan Says No Limits to TEPCO Liability From Nuclear Disaster"

"Tokyo Electric Power should face unlimited liability for damages stemming from its crippled nuclear power plant, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said on Monday, indicating Japan's government will take a hard line against the utility in its rescue plan."

Source: Reuters, 05/02/2011

"Government’s Disaster Response Wins Praise"

"It has been the deadliest natural disaster on American soil since Hurricane Katrina. But the government response to the tornadoes that devastated the South last week has, at least in the first few days, drawn little of the searing criticism aimed at federal agencies back in 2005."

Source: NY Times, 05/02/2011

"PETA's New 'Want My Body?' Poster Views Women as Pieces of Meat"

One UK blogger thinks that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) risks alienating supporters by using pornographic posters to promote its cause. PETA has proven expert over the years at getting free publicity by creating controversy. Should we even be covering this coverage?

Source: Guardian, 04/29/2011
