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Multiple Sources Reveal Fracking Chemicals

New tools provide limited information on substances used in specific wells during the oil and natural gas extraction process called hydraulic fracturing. From 2005-2009, 780 million gallons of 750 substances were injected underground — a starting point for your coverage of this angle.

2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress

The American Society of Civil Engineers' Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) invites you to the 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress in Palm Springs on May 22-26, 2011. This year's technical program focuses on “Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability,” to help the environmental and engineering community integrate sustainability into their work.

Safe Spinach: "USDA Seeking Comment on Food Quality Agreement"

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to hear from the public about what's being called the National Leafy Green Marketing Agreement." Consumer advocates say it puts people at risk of food-borne disease by allowing the spinach and lettuce industries to police themselves when it comes to food safety.

Source: AP, 04/27/2011

Paper Industry Profits from 'Black Liquor' Tax Credits

At a time when tea-party budget-cut fervor is taking food out of the mouths of children, the paper industry is reaping billions in unintended taxpayer-funded federal subsidies from a loophole meant to encourage alternative fuels.

Source: Wash Post, 04/27/2011

"Can Wasps Squash The Stink Bug Plague?"

"Home is where the heart is. It's also probably where a lot of stink bugs are right now, crawling out from cracks and crevices. They were introduced into Allentown, Pa., from Asia in the 1990s and have been spreading ever since, reaching seemingly plaguelike proportions in the mid-Atlantic states. But an experiment is under way to reintroduce the stink bug to its mortal enemy: a parasitic Asian wasp."

Source: NPR, 04/27/2011

"Judge Wants EPA To Enforce Everglades Pollution Rules"

"Aiming a legal shot directly across the bow of Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-regulation agenda, a Miami federal judge on Tuesday cleared the way for the federal government to do something he contends the state has failed to do for decades: Enforce water pollution standards tough enough to protect the Everglades."

Source: Miami Herald, 04/27/2011

House Subcommittee Approves Industry-Backed Chem Security Bill

A House Homeland Security subcommittee April 14 approved a bill (HR 901) that effectively extends chemical plant security rules put in place by the Bush administration. Chemical industry groups applauded, while Greenpeace said it puts public safety at risk. Various trade publications reported the action, although most mainstream media did not.

Source: Galveston Daily News, 04/27/2011

Response to Blowout Took 13 Hours Despite PA Plan for Quick Action

"When Chesapeake Energy lost control of a Marcellus Shale gas well in Pennsylvania on April 19, an emergency response team from Texas was called in to stop the leak. By the time the team arrived more than 13 hours later, brine water and hydraulic fracturing fluids from the well had spewed across nearby fields and into a creek."

Source: ProPublica, 04/27/2011
