SEJournal Online is the digital news magazine of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Learn more about SEJournal Online, including submission, subscription and advertising information.
Publication Items
- A new bill would require Congress to explicitly declare when it was creating a new exemption to the Freedom of Information Act in any legislation.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:
Attorney General Sets Openness as Standard for Fed Info
Carrying out a January 21 order by President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder has reversed the so-called "Ashcroft Memo," which had encouraged agencies during the George Bush presidency to err on the side of secrecy.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Pitfalls And Challenges Await Those Who Cover Climate Future
The term comes to mind in the context of the global climate change challenges and opportunities we all face.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:SEJ Watchdog Swiftly Responds For More Press Freedom
A journalist's job is to follow the facts and call them as they appear, no matter which side of a debate they may favor. In the past year, as president of the Society of Environmental Journalists, I've often found myself explaining to various people and groups that the only cause for which SEJ advocates is more and better coverage of the environment.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:EPA Considers Raising Ethanol Content of Gasoline
On March 6 a coalition of major ethanol producers (Growth Energy) formally requested that EPA raise the cap on the amount of ethanol that can be blended into US gasoline. EPA has 270 days to respond.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Report: Hints of Substantial Urban Residential Infill
Researchers with EPA's Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation has found that residential development in some metro areas has moved from suburbs and exurbs to infill development within urban areas.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Censoring Science: Inside The Political Attack On Dr. James Hansen And The Truth Of Global Warming
by Mark Bowen,
Dutton, 336 pages, $25.95Reviewed by Craig Pittman
On June 23, 1988, a scientist named Jim Hansen spent five minutes talking to a Senate committee. Hansen said he was 99 percent sure the Earth was getting warmer because of the greenhouse effect, and he predicted that 1988 would turn out to be one of the warmest years on record.
Althoughhe spoke inanIowa-bredmonotone, Hansen's testimony electrified the committee hearing.When he tried to leave,Hansen was surrounded by reporters.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:The Secret History Of The War On Cancer
By Devra Davis
Basic Books (2007), $27.95
Reviewed by JenniferWeeksIn 1971 President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, formally launching a war on the second-leading cause of death in the United States. The legislation promised more funding and targeted government support for cancer research. "The time has come in America when the same kind of concentrated effort that split the atom and took man to the moon should be turned toward conquering this dread disease," Nixon urged in his State of the Union Address earlier that year.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Millipedes and Moon Tigers: Science and Policy in an Age of Extinction
By Steve Nash
University of Virginia Press, $22.95Reviewed by Christine Heinrichs
Environmental change manifests in ways so different, its fragments can seem unrelated. Steve Nash's 15 feature articles, brought together in book form, stitches the fragments together, telling a dramatic story of the changes rippling through our world.Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry Of Everyday Products Who's at Risk And What's At Stake For American Power
By Mark Schapiro
Chelsea Green Publishing, $22.95Reviewed by Susan Moran
In the quagmire of the Iraq war, the United States has lost credibility as a world leader. In Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products, investigative journalist Mark Schapiro offers another version of the erosion of American leadership. In this case, it's how the U.S. government has gone from one whose environmental laws and regulations were once a model for other nations to one whose standards have fallen so far below those of even some developing nations.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility: