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Publication Items
- Do green social networks actually increase coherence in the environmentalist community, or are they a distraction? Are they sincere or opportunistic? Can they be used for greenwashing? All of the above?SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:
Energy Dept. Maps, Lists Efficiency Aid for U.S. Cities
The Energy Department is listing state and local grant allocations from the stimulus bill on its website. Find out what your area of coverage is slated to receive in aid.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:"Most Endangered Rivers" List To Be Released April 7
The conservation group American Rivers publishes an annual list of rivers endangered by dams, pollution, mining projects, and other threats they believe require urgent action.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Consent Decree Forces Regs on Selected Gas and Diesel Engines
Restrictions would be placed on many types of stationary diesel and gas-fired engines under a proposed EPA rule.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:New Science Reports on Climate Change and Energy
Watch for the National Academies to release more climate change and energy reports this month, on alternative liquid transportation fuels, energy efficiency, renewables and economic impacts of greenhouse gas mitigation.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Google: An essential Tool In A Reporter's Bag Of Tricks
A private detective once told me how she used Google to nab a crook for workers' compensation fraud.She plugged the guy's full name into the search engine. Nothing too interesting came up. But then she entered it with the last name before the first name.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Regulating Trade Could Curtail Invasive Species
In 2003, more than 50 people in the Midwest became ill with the monkey pox virus. The source for the African pathogen – pet prairie dogs that were kept next to infected Gambian pouch rats in a pet store.
In the early 1970s, Arkansas aquaculturists imported the Asian Black carp to control fish parasites in aquaculture ponds. Now these mussel-eating fish are happily lurking deep in the waters of the Mississippi River Basin. Scientists fear that they may be driving precious endangered snails and mussels to extinction.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Biotech And Hurricanes: Media Coverage Spawns Fear And Myths
By JAN KNIGHT Katrina coverage driven by disaster myths, reinforces push to use military during domestic disasters, study suggests
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Photography For Reporters
First the bad news: It's not the camera's fault the picture is bad. In the years I've spent looking at photos taken by reporters, the unfortunate truth as to why the photos weren't good was invariably operator error, not a problem with the camera. Today's point-and-shoots, and consumer digital SLRs, are very good at getting photos properly exposed and in focus.
Now the good news: There are a few simple things you can do to make your photos better.
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility:Los Angles Times Reporters Bring Home $75,000 Grantham Prize
Kenneth R. Weiss and Usha Lee McFarling of the Los Angeles Times are the 2007 winners of the $75,000 Grantham Prize for Excellence in Reporting on the Environment for their five-part series "Altered Oceans."
Grantham Prize jurors said the July 30-Aug. 3, 2006, series "gives life to all those generalities about the decline of the oceans in a way that should grab the imaginations not only of politicians responsible for taking corrective steps but also of ordinary readers."
Topics on the Beat:Region:Visibility: