"EPA OKs Weedkiller ‘Cocktail’ With New Wildlife Protections"
"EPA yesterday approved new seven-year registrations for two widely used weedkillers, adding "robust" label restrictions to protect endangered species."
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"EPA yesterday approved new seven-year registrations for two widely used weedkillers, adding "robust" label restrictions to protect endangered species."
"The oil and gas lobby, looking at resurgent production, has more than held its own in dealings with the Biden administration."
"Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Tuesday said climate stress tests will “very likely” be a “key tool going forward,” a comment that may assuage progressives' concerns regarding his renomination to chief of the central bank."
"Raw sewage, microplastics and slurry are coursing through all of England's rivers, putting health and nature at risk, a parliamentary report concludes."
"Skiing is an endangered sport, caught between a warming planet and a global pandemic. But there’s a boom in one corner of the ski world that’s being driven, at least in part, by a combination of climate change and Covid."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is taking its first major action to address toxic wastewater from coal-burning power plants, ordering utilities to stop dumping waste into unlined storage ponds and speed up plans to close leaking or otherwise dangerous coal ash sites."
"The White House today [Tuesday] released a wide-ranging plan to strengthen the work of government scientists and protect them from political meddling."
"After initially resisting, the U.S. Navy will comply with Hawaii’s order to remove fuel from a massive underground storage tank facility near Pearl Harbor blamed for contaminating drinking water, officials said Tuesday."
"Nearly 70 percent of the infrastructure in the Northern Hemisphere’s permafrost regions are located in areas that could have near-surface thaw by 2050, researchers project".
"The idea of trapping a dirty coal plant’s carbon emissions at the source and storing it underground may sound like the solution to our climate problems. In practice, it’s proven all but completely unfeasible, but that hasn’t stopped the government from plunging money into it."
"As U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration seeks to revive its ambitious social spending and climate plan in Congress, environmental groups and the farm industry are at odds over proposed subsidies aimed at offsetting agriculture’s substantial contribution to global warming."
"Airlines claim they're sending thousands of empty flights out in an attempt to maintain market share despite the environmental damage."
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will evaluate the potential impact of new pesticide active ingredients on endangered species before registering them, reversing a decades-long policy."
"“You can have the best law on the books. But if it's not enforced, it's meaningless.”"
"A bill before the New York State Assembly could finally impose some standards on an incredibly polluting but little-regulated industry: fashion."