"Dumpster Fire"
"Two decades after its scheduled closure, a zombie garbage incinerator divides a working-class town in Massachusetts."
"Two decades after its scheduled closure, a zombie garbage incinerator divides a working-class town in Massachusetts."
"Would you want an industrial waste dump near your house? Probably not. But across the country, environmental hazards like waste dumps tend to be located near minority communities."
The environmental legacy of past presidents tells us much about the current White House, whose occupant author Douglas Brinkley calls "a used car salesman of the worst kind." In this "Between the Lines" Q&A, the historian talks about what we can learn from TR and FDR, the future of the environmental movement and the role of journalists.
"The Environmental Protection Agency is touting cleanups at seven of the nation’s most polluted places as a signature accomplishment in the Trump administration’s effort to reduce the number of Superfund sites, even though records show the physical work was completed before President Donald Trump took office."
"Previously accused of sabotaging the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Steven Gardner is now likely to be its next chief."
"It’s one of the dirtiest places in America. Former residents of Tar Creek, Oklahoma, want to know why Trump’s EPA chief didn’t prosecute allegations of wrongdoing during a federal buyout program."
"Like many Portland residents, Satish and Arlene Palshikar are serious recyclers. ... But recently, after loading up their Prius and driving to a sorting facility, they got a shock. 'The fellow said we don't take plastic anymore,' Satish says. 'It should go in the trash.'"
"The head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is seeking a 30-day extension in the agency’s timeline to consider a proposal to prop up coal and nuclear power plants."
"More than 200 countries signed a U.N. resolution in Nairobi on Wednesday to eliminate plastic pollution in the sea, a move some delegates hoped would pave the way to a legally binding treaty."
"Some of the worst mining disasters do not happen in mines. They take place at dams."