
Groups Challenge Canada's Secrecy on Breeding Proposal for GM Salmon

A coalition of some 60 environmental, fisheries, and consumer groups want to know whether the Canadian government is undertaking a risk assessment before allowing AquaBounty's genetically engineered eggs to be grown on Prince Edward Island.

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January 17, 2011

DEADLINE: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2011

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria invites applications by Jan. 17, 2011 from graduate students around the world for its June 1-Sep 1, 2011 YSSP. Students will work closely with an IIASA senior scientist mentor on a project proposed by the student. Fellows selected will receive funding to cover travel to IIASA and a modest living allowance.


More Cool Data Tools from EPA

TRI-CHIP assembles a great deal of toxicity and hazard information from many sources and makes it easy to search. TRI.NET allows you to construct complex queries into the Toxics Release Inventory database, and to map the results in ways that can be used for publishable graphics or layered on maps with other environmental and demographic information.

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Topics on the Beat: 

EPA Gives Public an Environmental Justice Mapping Tool: EJView

This new tool allows any user online to create custom study areas based on a wide range of variables: address, ZIP code, county, city, township, facility, watershed, or geographic coordinates. Other environmental data can then be mapped onto that study area.

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