
‘Waterfront Porch: Reclaiming Detroit’s Industrial Waterfront As a Gathering Place for All’

The Detroit River, a key Great Lakes shipping channel, was once the repository of millions of gallons of industrial discharge. But as a new book attests, Detroit’s industrial waterfront has in the last 50 years undergone a remarkable recovery that offers hope for the cleanup of other polluted Rust Belt towns. Read our BookShelf review.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Summit: Dozens of Countries Commit to Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

"Environment ministers from dozens of countries agreed this week to hasten their efforts to reduce a class of greenhouse gases that, until now, has been largely overlooked in international climate agreements but could play a crucial role in limiting the worst effects of climate change."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/25/2019

"Trump’s EPA Threatens California With Highway Funding Cuts"

"The Trump administration is ratcheting up its threats against California with a letter warning the state faces sanctions – including cuts in federal highway funding – over its “failure” to submit complete reports on its implementation of the Clean Air Act."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 09/24/2019

Battle Over Fish Farming In Open Ocean Heats Up, As EPA Permit Looms

"Americans eat an average of 16 pounds of fish each year, and that number is growing. But how to meet our demand for fish is a controversial question, one that is entering a new chapter as the Environmental Protection Agency seeks to approve the nation's only aquaculture pen in federal waters."

Source: NPR, 09/23/2019


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