
"Air Pollution: Amid Disagreement, Panel Sticks With Soot Status Quo"

"EPA is poised to leave its national soot standards unchanged after a fractured advisory panel yesterday formally opted to recommend the status quo. While career EPA staff had tentatively concluded that the annual exposure benchmark is too weak to prevent thousands of premature deaths, a majority on the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee found otherwise."

Source: Greenwire, 12/05/2019

"Supreme Court Wary of Disrupting Superfund Cleanup"

"A debate over Montana landowners’ potential liability for toxic metals in their backyards, deposited over decades of smelting operations, dominated oral arguments involving the landowners, the U.S. EPA, and Atlantic Richfield Co. before the Supreme Court Dec. 3."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/04/2019

Soiled Skies Incite ‘Choked’ Author To Pursue Air Pollution Story 

The data on dirty air is devastating. But it wasn’t just the numbers that prompted freelance journalist Beth Gardiner to chase the story of worsening air pollution around the globe. It was also the impact on human lives and the intersection with politics, power and money. She explains in our latest feature story. Plus, resources for your own reporting.

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"EPA Clean Water Act Interpretation Reasonable, Court Says"

"The EPA’s determination that it “categorically” can’t regulate pollution-via-groundwater under the Clean Water Act is entitled to deference despite “opening a gaping regulatory loophole,” the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts said Nov. 26."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/27/2019


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