
"These Americans Are Just Going Around in Circles. It Helps the Climate."

"CARMEL, Ind. — It’s getting harder and harder to run a stoplight here, because there are fewer and fewer of them around. Every year, at intersections throughout this thriving city, traffic lights and stop signs have disappeared, replaced with roundabouts. Lots and lots of roundabouts."

Source: NYTimes, 11/24/2021

20+ People Sickened By Sewage-Tainted Oysters After Md. Failed To Warn

"When Chesapeake Bay oysters and other shellfish become contaminated with sewage or other pollution, Maryland environmental officials normally alert the public before any are harvested or eaten. But that didn’t happen after a recent sewage spill in Southern Maryland — and at least two dozen people became ill."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 11/24/2021

Rural Reporter Turns Routine Permit Into Award-Winning Investigation

It was a seemingly mundane legal notice about a surface water discharge permit. But when Wyoming journalist Angus Thuermer Jr. took a closer look, he discovered that it would mean massive discharges of pollutants into local waters. Inside Story explains how Thuermer revealed the truth about the plans, prompting local protests and, ultimately, a withdrawal of the permit.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Canada’s Tar Sands Destruction Challenges Existence of Land and People

"Oil companies have replaced Indigenous people’s traditional lands with mines that cover an area bigger than New York City, stripping away boreal forest and wetlands and rerouting waterways."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/22/2021

"Coming Off Climate Talks, US To Hold Huge Crude Sale In Gulf"

"The U.S. Interior Department on Wednesday will auction vast oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico estimated to hold up to 1.1 billion barrels of crude, the first such sale under President Joe Biden and a harbinger of the challenges he faces to reach climate goals that depend on deep cuts in fossil fuel emissions."

Source: AP, 11/17/2021


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