People & Population

Meet The Californians In The First Class Of The American Climate Corps

"At the start of summer, the White House swore in more than 9,000 members of the inaugural class of the American Climate Corps. The corps members are now serving across the country stifling wildfires, helping farms adapt to climate change, installing solar panels, conserving the country’s wildlands and, of course, helping climate organizations create some “hip” Instagram content."

Source: LA Times, 07/16/2024

Quinault Nation Has Tried To Escape The Rising Pacific. Time Is Running Out

"Standing water lies beneath the home Sonny Curley shares with his parents and three children on the Quinault reservation a few steps from the Pacific Ocean in Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. The back deck is rotting, and black mold speckles the walls inside, leaving the 46-year-old fisherman feeling drained if he spends too much time in the house."

Source: AP, 07/16/2024
July 30, 2024

SEJ Webinar: The Heat Is Killing Us – Data for Journalists Covering Climate Change and Gun Violence

This training, co-hosted by SEJ and the Maynard Institute, will provide reporters with access to exclusive local data on the amount of gun violence linked to extreme heat in 100 US cities. Learn how to report on and analyze local data on this national/global issue; and craft solutions-oriented coverage of climate change. 3:00 p.m. ET.


"The GOP Has Found A New Reason To Pawn Off America’s Public Lands"

"The new Republican Party platform, adopted this week in advance of the next week’s nominating convention in Milwaukee, mentions federal lands only once — and rather than a vague call to protect them, it proposes pawning some of them off to address housing affordability."

Source: HuffPost, 07/12/2024
July 19, 2024

3-Day Virtual Conference and Sharing Circle on Indigenous Languages in the Times of Climate Change

This bilingual conference in English and Russian, July 12, 16 and July 19, is a joint effort between the Department of Anthropology at the University of Victoria BC, the Department of Sociology at the Toronto Metropolitan University and Cultural Survival.


Behind Tribal Spearfishing Is A Long, Violent History Of Denied Treaty Rights

"On a twilight so calm the red and white pines are reflected in the waters of northern Wisconsin’s Chippewa Flowage, John Baker plans to go spearfishing — a traditional Ojibwe method of harvesting walleye. But before he sets out, he detours his boat to land on a sandy shore, hops out and crosses the tree line, crunching through dead leaves. “This is my sanctuary,” he says, recalling childhood visits in his dad’s rowboat."

Source: AP, 07/10/2024


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