
Sweltering Soldiers And Flooded Ports Focus NATO Climate Change

"Hotter summers in Iraq are blasting soldiers sitting inside armored vehicles. Flooding is threatening the world’s largest navy base. Russian submarines are prowling the melting Arctic. Now NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wants to make global warming a major focus of the military alliance’s strategy and planning, pushing environmental issues to the center as a security threat."

Source: Washington Post, 03/24/2021

Can DOE Store 50 Tons Of Weapons-Grade Plutonium For 10,000 Years?

"The nuclear age is undergoing a paradigm shift. During much of the latter half of the past century, the nuclear enterprise was ascendant; now, it has entered a period of decline and uncertain long-term custodianship. This reversal of fortune is especially apparent in the United States’ efforts to rid itself of its unwanted reserves of plutonium."

"How Biden’s Climate Ambitions Could Shift America’s Global Footprint"

"President Joseph R. Biden on Wednesday said climate change should be regarded as “an essential element of U.S. foreign policy and national security.” That is likely to bring big changes for America’s role in the world."

Source: NYTimes, 01/28/2021


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