Laws & Regulations

"Dakota Access Pipeline Opponents Occupy Land, Citing 1851 Treaty"

"Native American protesters on Monday occupied privately owned land in North Dakota in the path of the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline, claiming they were the land's rightful owners under an 1851 treaty with the U.S. government."

Source: Reuters, 10/25/2016

"EPA Bows to Chemical Industry in Delay of Glyphosate Cancer Review"

"The Environmental Protection Agency was slated to hold four days of public meetings focused on essentially one question: Is glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide and the lynchpin to Monsanto’s fortunes, as safe as Monsanto has spent 40 years telling us it is? But oddly, the EPA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) meetings, called to look at potential glyphosate ties to cancer, were 'postponed' just four days before they were to begin Oct. 18, after intense lobbying by the agrichemical industry."

Source: Huffington Post, 10/21/2016


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