Laws & Regulations

"All Seven Defendants Found Not Guilty In Refuge Occupation Trial"

"Ammon and Ryan Bundy have been found not guilty of conspiracy. Their five co-defendants Jeff Banta, Shawna Cox, David Fry, Kenneth Medenbach and Neil Wampler have all been found not guilty as well."

Source: Oregon Public Broadcasting, 10/28/2016

"Dakota Access Says Trespassers Will Be ‘Removed From The Land’"

"As actor Mark Ruffalo arrived to support their cause, protesters camping in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline braced Tuesday for action by a growing police and military force to the north after the pipeline company issued a foreboding statement saying trespassers will be prosecuted and 'removed from the land.'"

Source: Bismarck Tribune, 10/27/2016

NY Supreme Court Orders ExxonMobil To Produce Climate Documents

"In a loss for ExxonMobil, the New York State Supreme Court has ordered the oil giant and its accounting firm to produce documents subpoenaed in a highly charged investigation of whether the company concealed from investors and the public what it knew about climate change as long as four decades ago."

Source: Wash Post, 10/27/2016

You Aren't Allowed To Know How Much of Your Coal Is Being Sold (Cheap?)

The vast coal seams below federally owned lands in the West are a resource owned by the American people as a whole — and when rights to mine them are sold to coal companies, it is supposed to be on terms that are in the public interest. So you'd think public scrutiny via open information would be a given. The Interior Department says not, recently denying a FOIA request for this information. Image: ©

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SEJ Objects To Prosecution of Journalists Covering Pipeline Protests

UPDATE: The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) on Oct 19, 2016 wrote law enforcement officials at the state and federal levels, objecting to prosecution of journalists who have been covering protests against the Dakota Access Pipe Line and other pipelines. The prosecutor who charged Democracy Now's Amy Goodman has responded to SEJ's letter.

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"California Dairy Industry Faces Methane Regulation for the First Time"

"Despite heavy pushback from the state's livestock producers, California Gov. Jerry Brown last month signed a law aimed at cutting methane emissions from cattle operations, the largest source of heat-trapping methane in the country's biggest dairy-producing state."

Source: InsideClimate News, 10/25/2016


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