Laws & Regulations

"Law: EPA Quietly Closes Complaint At Heart Of Civil Rights Suit"

"U.S. EPA closed a 14-year-old civil rights complaint against a landfill in a predominantly black community in Alabama last month, telling a federal court that legal challenges over its slow response to the case are moot."

Source: Greenwire, 05/12/2017

Maryland Gives Nod to Nation's Second And Third Offshore Wind Farms

"Maryland waters could be home to some of the nation's first — and by far its largest — offshore wind farms after the state Public Service Commission on Thursday approved ratepayer subsidies to support a pair of projects off the coast of Ocean City."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 05/12/2017

"Tillerson Gives Nod At Arctic Meet To Climate Change Action"

"U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signed an agreement recognizing the landmark Paris climate accord at a meeting of Arctic nations in Alaska on Thursday, but said President Donald Trump was not rushing to decide whether to leave or weaken U.S. commitments to the pact."

Source: Reuters, 05/12/2017

U.S. Blocks Major Pipeline After 18 Leaks And A 2 Million Gallon Spill

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has curtailed work on a natural-gas pipeline in Ohio after the owner, Energy Transfer Partners, reported 18 leaks and spilled more than 2 million gallons of drilling materials."

Source: Washington Post, 05/11/2017


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