Laws & Regulations

Pesticide-Friendly Bill From Lepage Mirrors Model By Secretive ALEC

"[Maine] Gov. Paul LePage’s bill to take away municipal government’s ability to enact local pesticide ordinances closely mirrors a model bill written and promoted by a secretive national group that helps large national corporations ghost-write laws for sympathetic state legislators."

Source: Portland Press Herald, 05/10/2017

"Pipeline Spill By Dakota Access Company Could Have A ‘Deadly Effect’"

"The director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency on Monday blasted the pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners for a “pattern” of 18 spills of drilling materials and said that the size of the biggest spill could reach 5 million gallons, more than double original estimates."

Source: Washington Post, 05/09/2017

Zinke Met By Protest As He Arrives To Consider Utah Monuments

"SALT LAKE CITY — While protestors clogged the sidewalk outside, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said he will be gathering perspectives of people on all sides of a deeply controversial issue as he reviews the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments."

Source: Deseret News, 05/08/2017


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