Laws & Regulations

Calif. Climate Ballot Fight: National Ripple Effects Either Way

If Proposition 23 passes, it could disrupt plans for many green companies and their suppliers in CA and around the US — not to mention weakening political will in other states, or at the federal level, for tougher green energy policy.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Fossil Energy Interests Spent Over $500 Million in 2009-10 To Lobby

If you are wondering why climate legislation was defeated during the 111th Congress and expanded offshore drilling won -- it may have something to do with over $500 million spend by fossil energy companies on lobbying, campaign contributions, and other forms of political influence.

Source: ClimateProgress, 09/28/2010

Federal Cops to Gulf Journos: Don't Dig, It's Illegal

Watch the video: Pensacola TV reporter Dan Thomas is accosted by USFWS and NPS after finding layers of crude oil (with his toy shovel) less than a foot below the surface — giving the lie to BP and government claims that beaches had been cleaned.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"EPA Issues Final Plan for Auditing Rejected Texas Permits"

"For the roughly 130 power plants, refineries and other facilities embroiled in the air permitting dispute between U.S. EPA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, a new program being finalized by EPA could allow them to get on with business as usual."

Source: Greenwire, 09/22/2010

FBI Wrongly Put Greenpeace, PETA, on Terrorist List: IG

FBI agents during the Bush administration "investigated members of the environmental advocacy group Greenpeace over their protest activities 'with little or no basis,' [a Justice Department Inspector General's] report said. Agents kept the case open for more than three years, even though no charges were filed, and put the activists on a terrorist watch list, it said."

Source: Wash Post, 09/21/2010
September 28, 2010

Supreme Court Preview

Join the Environmental Law Institute for its annual Associate Seminar with some of the pre-eminent experts on environmental law and the Court to examine the docketed cases, changes in the Court, and the implications of prior decisions.

"Aging Gas Pipe at Risk of Explosion Nationwide"

"The tragic explosion of a gas pipeline  in a San Francisco suburb has shed light on a problem usually kept underground: Communities have expanded over pipes built decades earlier when no one lived there. Utilities have been under pressure for years to better inspect and replace aging gas pipes — many of them laid years before sprawling communities were erected around them — that now are at risk of leaking or erupting."

Source: AP, 09/14/2010


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