Journalism & Media

FAA Nixes Drones for Journos

Drones might count as new media — and certainly have journalistic uses in covering everything from prairie fires to chemical emergencies. The federal government, which devotes enormous technical resources to spying on its citizens, now says this is illegal. The Federal Aviation Administration issued the ruling, saying there was no grey area: hobbyists can legally fly video drones. But journalists can not. Image: Cade Cleavelin, a science/ag journalism senior at U of Missouri, demonstrates a DJY Phantom quadcopter at the 2013 SEJ Conference in Chattanooga, TN. © Roger Archibald.

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SEJ, SPJ Say Agency Media Obstacles Hurt Public Confidence in Water, Safety

Journalists had trouble overcoming EPA and CDC press office obstacles and getting access to agency experts and officials during this month's drinking water contamination crisis in Charleston, WV. SEJ and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) have sent a letter of complaint to heads of both agencies and their press offices. We urge them to adopt specific practices to end press office stonewalling and increase transparency, especially in times of crisis.

[UPDATE: Reply of January 29, 2014, from EPA Assoc. Adm. for Ext. Affairs Tom Reynolds]

[UPDATE: Reply of January 22, 2014, from CDC Public Affairs Director Barbara Reynolds]

[UPDATE: "CDC: Pregnant Women Should Have Been Warned About Water Sooner," Charleston Gazette, January 22, 2014, by Ken Ward Jr.]


Environmental Journalists in the Philippines: Lend a Hand!

In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the Central Philippines. Hundreds of journalists were injured and/or left homeless. They still need aid to rebuild their lives and continue reporting. SEJ is now collecting tax-deductible gifts earmarked for environmental journalists in the Philippines. SEJ board member Imelda Abano, president of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists, said after visiting the devastated country, "We've seen too much. Colleagues need our help, our immediate assistance. Let’s give them hope, and the support of fellow journalists." Photo (R): Many journalists lived in this once-subdivision, now an ocean of debris.


Administration Seen Retreating on Environment in Talks on Pacific Trade

"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is retreating from previous demands of strong international environmental protections in order to reach agreement on a sweeping Pacific trade deal that is a pillar of President Obama’s strategic shift to Asia, according to documents obtained by WikiLeaks, environmentalists and people close to the contentious trade talks."

Source: NY Times, 01/15/2014
January 24, 2014

The Year Ahead in Environment and Energy: Stories to Watch in 2014

SEJ and Woodrow Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program present the 2nd Annual "Year Ahead in Environment and Energy" event, 3:00-5:00 p.m. in Washington, DC (and live webcast). Bloomberg BNA's Larry Pearl (pictured) will begin with an overview of the key legislative, regulatory, and legal developments expected in 2014, followed by a roundtable with six top journalists covering local, national, and international environmental issues.



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