Journalism & Media

Report: Koch Founded Anti-Enviro Group To Protect Oil Industry Handouts

Faceless on Facebook, a shadowy but aggressive anti-environmental propaganda group called the Institute for Energy Research turns out, documents reveal, to be founded and funded by oil billionaire Charles Koch. It's mission: preserve tax breaks for big oil.

Source: Salon, 09/09/2014

"BP Lashes Out at Journalists and 'Opportunistic' Environmentalists"

"NEW ORLEANS -- With the fourth anniversary of the busted well's final sealing coming up in a couple weeks, BP has been pushing back aggressively against the company's critics. On Wednesday night—just hours before the court's ruling—Geoff Morrell, the company's vice president of US communications, spoke in New Orleans at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference, and blamed the media and activists for BP's rough ride."

Source: Mother Jones, 09/05/2014

Analysis: "AP Profile Of Koch Bros Whitewashes Their Fossil Fuel Ties"

"Extensive reporting from the Associated Press on the Koch brothers' financial background and political influence glossed over the duo's ties to the fossil fuel industry and ignored their efforts to dismantle action on climate change."

Source: Media Matters, 08/29/2014

"Food Producers to Offer Data on Chemical Additives"

""Big food producers are moving to try to head off criticism of how they use additives, with a main industry group saying it plans to give more information to regulators about how companies determine the safety of the thousands of chemicals and other ingredients in processed foods."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/28/2014

"A Reporter's Meditation on Scarcity of Wildness"

The wolf known as OR7 prompted some reflective writing -- and a flood of reader response -- in the Pacific states. The coverage reminds us that there is room for the personal and evocative as well as the objective and informative in environmental journalism. And it restored Sacramento Bee writer Matt Weiser's faith in the newspaper.

Source: KSJ Tracker, 08/26/2014


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