Journalism & Media

Health Advocates Find Flame Retardant Fight Follows Familiar Formula

"When chemical companies hired Grant Gillham in 2007 to manage a campaign in defense of flame retardants in couches and other consumer goods, Gillham recalled being "assured that the scientific information they had supporting the safety and effectiveness of their products was valid."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/10/2014

Buried Report Cites TransCanada’s ‘Inadequate’ Pipeline Inspections

"Just weeks after a TransCanada natural gas pipeline exploded and left thousands of residents without gas in sub-zero temperatures, a CBC News investigation uncovered a 2011 report, buried by federal regulators, that criticized the company “for ‘inadequate’ field inspections and ‘ineffective’ management.”"

Source: Climate Progress, 02/07/2014

Photog Claims Damages from CalTrans, CHP for Arrest, False Report

The California Highway Patrol lied in reports when it violated the First Amendment rights of news photographer Steve Eberhard of the Willitts News by illegally arresting him to intimidate newsgatherers at a protest site in July 2013, Eberhard says in a legal claim against CHP and Caltrans.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"N.Y. Health Dept. Fracking Review Done in Secret"

"ALBANY — After four rounds of hearings, hundreds of thousands of public comments, two governors and a pair of voluminous draft reports, New York’s review of hydraulic fracturing is now taking place entirely behind closed doors."

Source: Elmira Star-Gazette, 02/03/2014

"Snowden Docs: U.S. Spied on Negotiators At 2009 Climate Summit"

"WASHINGTON -- The National Security Agency monitored the communications of other governments ahead of and during the 2009 United Nations climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark, according to the latest document from whistleblower Edward Snowden."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/30/2014

"SCIENCE: Targets of Climate Hate Mail Rally To Support One Another"

"In late March 2012, Kari Norgaard, a University of Oregon sociology and environmental studies professor, was flying home from a conference in England. She landed in Washington, D.C., checked her email and noticed a message from Marc Morano, a global warming skeptic who runs the blog Climate Depot, criticizing the research she had presented at the conference."

Source: ClimateWite, 01/24/2014

Fund for Environmental Journalism Announces Winter 2013 Grantees

Thanks to generous funding from the Grantham Foundation, and individual members and friends of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ), we are pleased to announce grants totaling $12,500 to five journalism projects selected in SEJ’s Fund for Environmental Journalism Winter 2013 grant cycle. Pictured: FEJ grantee Douglas Haynes.



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