Journalism & Media

Trump DOI Downplayed Coronavirus -- Then Praised His ‘Decisive’ Response

"Interior Secretary David Bernhardt Friday tweeted a video of President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency and lauded his boss for taking “decisive — even unprecedented — actions to protect the American people” from the coronavirus. But just two days earlier, Bernhardt’s office had sent talking points to Interior officials that downplayed the virus threat."

Source: LA Times, 03/16/2020

Sanders And Biden Vied For The Climate Title At Sunday’s Debate

"It only took 10 debates, a worldwide pandemic, and the winnowing of the Democratic field down to two men in their late 70s — but on Sunday night, for about 12 minutes, the American public finally got to hear a substantive debate about climate change."

Source: Grist, 03/16/2020

Coronavirus Reminds Journalists To Prepare for Public Health Emergencies

COVID-19 is an unpleasant reminder that when a public health emergency hits, it pays for journalists — including environment reporters — to be prepared. The latest TipSheet offers advice on handling the unknown and gathering an emergency “go bag,” as well as tracking story ideas and numerous federal, state/local and media resources.

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SEJ Joins RCFP Amicus Brief — Parekh v. CBS

SEJ joined with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 55 journalism groups and other interested parties in filing an amicus brief in Parekh v. CBS, supporting the right of CBS and reporter Brian Conybeare to recover attorneys’ fees under the Florida anti-SLAPP statute.

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SEJ Joins RCFP Amicus Brief — Carroll County E911 v. Hasnie

SEJ joined with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 15 other media organizations in filing an amicus brief in Carroll County E911 v. Hasnie. Carroll County refuses to disclose 911 recordings pertaining to a November 2016 house fire in which four Flora, Indiana children died.

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