Journalism & Media

For Oil Market Data, You Don’t Need Slippery Sources

Tracking the oil market — or more precisely, the price of oil — will tell you a great deal about environmental issues, whether it be fracking, pipelines, land use, toxic emissions or more. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox helps you follow the data for your stories. Plus, a Backgrounder on Big Oil and how it drives not just energy but environment stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"The ‘Profoundly Radical’ Message of Earth Day’s First Organizer"

"One day in the fall of 1969, Denis Hayes, a graduate student at Harvard, snagged a 10-minute meeting with Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator from Wisconsin who had been talking up his idea for a national teach-in about environmentalism."

Source: NY Times, 04/21/2020

Turmoil in World Oil Markets Tips Environmental Scales Too

The dramatic drop in demand for oil, driven by the shutdown of world economies by coronavirus, has meant a corresponding fall in prices. And that has profound environmental implications. But it’s a complicated dynamic to assess. Our Issue Backgrounder provides a look under the hood of Big Oil, and explains what it means for environment reporters. Plus, a Reporter’s Toolbox for tracking the data.

SEJ Publication Types: 

When the Crisis Was Immense, SEJ Award-Winner Went Narrow

How do you gain perspective on a widespread public health disaster? Award-winning reporter Apoorva Mandavilli shares valuable lessons on using a small lens to cover a big story — no, not COVID-19, but the deadly 1984 gas leak in Bhopal, India. And as she explains in this Inside Story Q&A, this decades-old story never really went away in the first place.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Analysis: "The Trump Administration Is Muzzling Government Scientists"

"Kathryn Foxhall remembers a time when reporters could call up any doctor or researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ask them questions on the record. A journalist might even get them to open up for a “background” interview, offering candid information on the condition the expert’s name would not be used."

Source: Washington Post, 04/20/2020
April 27, 2020

COVID-19: Health, Science and Business Writers on Covering the Pandemic

The Power Shift Project will host a free webinar, 1:00-2:00 pm ET, with Freedom Forum fellow Jill Geisler debriefing leaders of journalism organizations whose members focus on health, science and the economic impact of COVID-19, now and in the future. Speakers include SEJ executive director Meaghan Parker and SEJ president Meera Subramanian.


"Putin’s Long War Against American Science"

"A decade of health disinformation promoted by President Vladimir Putin of Russia has sown wide confusion, hurt major institutions and encouraged the spread of deadly illnesses."

"On Feb. 3, soon after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus to be a global health emergency, an obscure Twitter account in Moscow began retweeting an American blog. It said the pathogen was a germ weapon designed to incapacitate and kill. The headline called the evidence “irrefutable” even though top scientists had already debunked that claim and declared the novel virus to be natural.

Source: NY Times, 04/16/2020

"Pandemic: Interior Reluctant To Share Coronavirus Details"

"Some federal agencies post daily information about the number of workers who have tested positive for the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, but the Interior Department so far has declined to provide departmentwide details on how the pandemic has affected its 70,000 employees."

Source: Greenwire, 04/15/2020


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