
"Michigan Plans 1st U.S. Charging Road For Electric Vehicles"

"Plans are underway for Michigan to construct a first in the nation segment of road that will charge electric vehicles while they’re driving, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Tuesday at the Motor Bella auto show in Pontiac."

Source: AP, 09/22/2021

Will Taxpayers Bear Cost Of Cleaning Up America’s Abandoned Oil Wells?

"Oil and gas companies have a century-old bad habit of drilling wells and ditching them. And while Congress finally has a plan to plug some abandoned wells, new proposals effectively pass the fossil fuel industry’s cleanup costs on to taxpayers and may even enable more drilling."

Source: Guardian, 09/22/2021

Powerful Democrat Linked to Fossil Fuels Will Craft U.S. Climate Plan

"Joe Manchin, the powerful West Virginia Democrat who chairs the Senate energy panel and earned half a million dollars last year from coal production, is preparing to remake President Biden’s climate legislation in a way that tosses a lifeline to the fossil fuel industry — despite urgent calls from scientists that countries need to quickly pivot away from coal, gas and oil to avoid a climate catastrophe."

Source: NYTimes, 09/21/2021

The 9/11 Legacy — Fear Drew Curtain Over Environmental Information

Twenty years after the attacks on 9/11, the war on terror has left many risks in the built environment under a cloak of secrecy. For WatchDog Opinion, keeping vital information about such preventable hazards under wraps from the public and journalists is not just wrong, but bad policy. Here’s why. Plus, a rundown for environment reporters of where exactly this secrecy reigns.

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Illinois Gov. Signs Far-Reaching Energy Bill That Ends Coal, Aids Nuclear

"Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed wide-ranging legislation overhauling Illinois’ energy sector on Wednesday, calling the bill a “giant leap forward” for the state as it works to address the effects of climate change and establish “aggressive” clean energy standards."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 09/16/2021

"Democrats Advance Climate Bill As Advocates Gird For A Fight"

"The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a historic suite of climate and environmental policies in a marathon two-day markup, kicking off a pressure campaign as Democrats look to move quickly on their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package."

Source: E&E News, 09/16/2021


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