"New EPA Rule Could Accelerate Cleanup of Coal Ash Dumps"
"For nearly a decade, a gap in federal regulation has allowed old coal ash dumps to avoid regulation. A new rule aims to close that loophole."
"For nearly a decade, a gap in federal regulation has allowed old coal ash dumps to avoid regulation. A new rule aims to close that loophole."
"On Tuesday, the White House finalized its “Phase 2” revisions for the National Environmental Policy Act’s regulations, which top officials believe will speed up permitting for key infrastructure projects while maintaining environmental protections. The rule is considered a cornerstone of Biden’s green agenda as he mounts his 2024 reelection bid and is likely to face resistance from Republican lawmakers and industry trade associations."
"Thanks to a federal judge, residents of Jackson will have a say in how the city resolves its yearslong water crisis."
"The Biden administration has finalized a major rule change that raises the bar for real estate developers who want newly built homes to qualify for U.S. government-backed loans, laying the groundwork for a massive overhaul in the way Americans build houses."
Hundreds of hydropower dams in the United States will see their licenses expiring in the next decade, generating years-long federal relicensing processes. That prospect calls for close local and regional coverage of the complicated balance between renewable energy needs with negative environmental impacts. The latest TipSheet explains the licensing process and the dam backstory, along with a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.
"The Biden administration has finalized standards for federal buildings that will eliminate onsite fossil fuel usage for new projects by the end of the decade, the Energy Department confirmed Wednesday."
"The Department of Energy created a one-stop shop for federal permitting, helping transmission developers avoid the lengthy patchwork of regulatory approvals that has slowed major projects. The program makes the department the lead agency in permitting and finalizes a yearslong, multiadministration effort to coordinate the work of at least nine agencies with a hand in permitting power lines."
"Coal-fired power plants would be forced to capture smokestack emissions or shut down under a rule issued Thursday by the Environmental Protection Agency."
"For the first time in more than 60 years, the Bureau of Land Management will force oil and gas companies to set aside more money to guarantee they plug old wells, preventing them from leaking oil, brine and toxic or climate-warming gasses." "The new Bureau of Land Management regulation, which applies to nearly 90,000 wells on federal public land, is hampered by math errors and overly optimistic cost projections."
As human roadways sprawl across a global network, the planet’s other living things have not only found the vehicles that travel them among the world’s deadliest weapons but also that road noise, the impassable divisions of the landscape and more have massive implications for nature. BookShelf reviews Ben Goldfarb’s eye-opening new book, “Crossings,” and the realities of road ecology.