"These U.S. Kids Have Higher Autism Risk Under New EPA Rule"
"Scott Pruitt’s rejection of an organophosphates ban may endanger the children of those who harvest produce."
"Scott Pruitt’s rejection of an organophosphates ban may endanger the children of those who harvest produce."
"The outgoing head of the United Nation's food aid agency voiced concern on Monday that the Trump administration's proposed cuts for U.N. aid agencies would leave children hungry in crisis-hit areas."
"The number of Chinook salmon predicted to return to the Klamath River on the California-Oregon border this fall fishing season is around 11,000 fish. That is the lowest number in recorded history. Coho salmon is already listed under the Endangered Species Act in California and Oregon."
"The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency refused Wednesday to ban a commonly used pesticide that the Obama administration had sought to outlaw based on mounting concerns about its risks to human health."
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly dropped a plan to start testing food for residues of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used weed killer and the key ingredient in Monsanto’s branded Roundup herbicides."
"Forty California residents are suing chemical giant Monsanto, alleging that exposure to the company’s Roundup weed killer caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma."
"A 'mean-spirited' budget proposal would cut key programs supporting farmworkers, ag communities, fresh-food access for low-income Americans, and pesticide safety."
"President Trump has proposed large cuts to foreign aid at a time of acute need across Africa and the Middle East, with four countries approaching famine and 20 million people nearing starvation, according to the United Nations."
"More than $4 billion is needed by the end of March to help nearly 20 million people who risk starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday."
"Michelle Obama’s garden stays. First lady Melania Trump says through a spokeswoman that she is committed to preserving gardens at the White House, including the bountiful one planted by her immediate predecessor."