Environmental Studies

“Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet”

The new book “Climate of Hope” by ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Sierra Club chief Carl Pope concludes that, despite partisan obstacles, we have made progress in fighting the planet’s warming.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Federal Judge Orders Environmental Review Of Dakota Access Pipeline"

"A federal judge in Washington on Wednesday ordered the Trump administration to conduct further environmental reviews of the Dakota Access pipeline but stopped short of halting oil-pumping operations pending further hearings beginning June 21."

Source: Washington Post, 06/15/2017

Hurricane Season Brings Surprises, and Surprising Depth

Atlantic hurricane season is underway, and our latest Issue Backgrounder helps reporters get prepared, not just for the inevitable surprises, but also for the new issues these storms are raising. Plus, as part of our recent series: An Inside Story on award-winning storm coverage and a TipSheet on covering hurricanes

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Iowa Senator Slams Energy Chief For Grid Study Undermining Wind Energy

"Iowa's Republican senator on Wednesday raised concerns that U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has commissioned a 'hastily developed' study of the reliability of the electric grid that appears 'geared to undermine' the wind energy industry."

Source: Reuters, 05/18/2017

With NOAA Cuts, Will Trump Starve Climate Messenger?

Proposed budget reductions for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could undermine the work of agencies as varied as National Weather Service and Sea Grant, as well as a satellite network informing much climate research. The latest TipSheet outlines NOAA stories that may emerge ... or vanish.

SEJ Publication Types: 

White House Proposes Steep Budget Cut To Leading Climate Science Agency

"The Trump administ"ration is seeking to slash the budget of one of the government’s premier climate science agencies by 17 percent, delivering steep cuts to research funding and satellite programs, according to a four-page budget memo obtained by The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 03/06/2017

Veteran Reporters Say Ignore the Noise, and Localize

Environmental journalists at a day-long event urged colleagues to report on the real, local impacts of policy, more than on the buzz around the policy. On hand at the SEJ-sponsored program were representatives of administrations past and present, including Trump EPA transition team head Myron Ebell (shown). 


Tracy Mehan lll, American Water Works Association
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Ed Maibach, George Mason University
Scott Segal, Policy Resolution Group and Bracewell LLP
Bob Perciasepe, Center for Climate & Energy Solutions
Environmental advocates
Journalists panel

SEJ Publication Types: 

The Battle Over Science Integrity, Funding Begins

President Trump's characterization of climate change as a Chinese "hoax" and flirtations with the anti-vaccine movement have led many to conclude that he and his GOP allies are anti-science. A look at scientific integrity and funding in the new administration.


SEJ Publication Types: 

Battle Looms Between Trump, Economists Over True Cost Of Climate Change

"It seems increasingly likely that the Trump administration would either alter, or attempt to stop using entirely, an Obama-era metric known as the 'social cost of carbon' in its federal rule-making processes. And that could have have major effects on the way environmental policies are written (or unwritten) in the coming years."

Source: Wash Post, 12/23/2016


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