Environmental Politics

"A Long-Simmering Water Battle Comes To A Boil In Southern California"

"If, like me, you live in Los Angeles — or Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix or Salt Lake City — you drink water from the Colorado River. You probably eat vegetables grown with Colorado River water, and maybe you eat beef fed on alfalfa grown with Colorado River water. When you switch on a light or charge your phone, some of the electricity may be generated by Colorado River water."

Source: LA Times, 06/22/2020

Dems, Experts Decry Trump For Saying He Asked Officials To Slow Testing

"President Trump’s Saturday night remark that he asked officials to “slow the [coronavirus] testing down" sparked harsh rebukes from experts and frustration from his own staffers, who say it undercuts their efforts to reassure Americans as the disease surges around the country."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2020

Wheeler in Wisconsin: Putting a Green Veneer on Actions of Trump EPA

"The Trump administration declared a victory over air pollution in Sheboygan, Wisconsin this week—a timely win given recent polls showing that voters view environmental protection to be President Trump's greatest vulnerability." "By redrawing a line on a map to exclude a monitor with higher pollution readings, the administration has given the appearance of reducing pollution in Sheboygan."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/19/2020

As NOAA Leaders Take Fall for ‘Sharpiegate,’ Commerce Bigs Duck Blame

"Senior officials within the Commerce Department have ducked two of three investigations into a controversial National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) statement issued during 2019’s Hurricane Dorian in which they played a leading role."

Source: Washington Post, 06/19/2020

"U.S. House Democrats Unveil $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan"

"U.S. House of Representatives Democrats on Thursday unveiled a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill that they will seek to pass in coming weeks, arguing it has been made more urgent by the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: Reuters, 06/19/2020


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