Environmental Politics

"Under Trump, Federal Watchdogs Get Muzzled"

"Ethics investigations have hounded the Trump administration since the beginning, with several department heads forced to step down amid mounting scandals. Along the way, President Donald Trump and his Cabinet, which is stacked with dozens of former lobbyists, have worked to thwart and demoralize government watchdogs."

Source: HuffPost, 07/13/2020

From Louisiana to Taiwan, Green Activists Stand Up To Plastics Giant

"Formosa Plastics, a Taiwanese plastics company, intends to build a complex St. James Parish, Louisiana, a region already known as "Cancer Alley." Environmental activist Anne Rolfes faces criminal charges for a protest action she took to call attention to the company's history of harm." "From Southeast Asia to the United States, activists have called attention in recent years to the harmful impact of chemical companies such as Formosa Plastics Corporation, a Taiwanese petrochemical company that operates throughout the world, including the US."

Source: PRI The World, 07/10/2020

Detroit: Civil Rights Coalition Sues To Bar Water Shutoffs For Residents

"A coalition of civil rights groups have filed a landmark class action to permanently ban water shutoffs for Detroit residents and force the city to implement an affordable payment plan."

Source: Guardian, 07/10/2020

"White House Pressured NOAA Response to ‘Sharpiegate,’ IG Says"

"Political leaders at the White House and Commerce Department pressured the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to back up President Donald Trump’s false claims that Hurricane Dorian would strike Alabama, Commerce’s internal watchdog said in a report released Thursday evening."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/10/2020

"Pennsylvania Governor Pushes to Join Regional Climate Pact"

"Pennsylvania would add 27,000 jobs and $1.9 billion in economic gains by joining a coalition of mostly Northeast states trying to curb carbon dioxide emissions, the state’s Democratic administration said on Wednesday."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/09/2020

"EPA Air Official Accused of Conflict Over Payments Via Gas Giant"

"As the EPA crafts a rule that would trim the agency’s oversight of methane gas, a Democratic-leaning group is demanding a recusal from the division head overseeing the process, accusing her of financial ties to natural gas distribution giant Enbridge Inc."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/09/2020

"Sanders-Biden Climate Task Force Calls For Carbon-Free Power By 2035"

"A unity task force made up of supporters of both Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden has come up with a series of broad environmental recommendations for Biden as he prepares to become the official Democratic presidential nominee."

Source: The Hill, 07/09/2020

Movement for Black Lives and Environmentalists Finding Common Ground

"The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and the environmental movement have not always walked side by side. However, that tide is slowly shifting. This much-needed unity has never been more clear than in the M4BL’s release of the BREATHE Act, a suite of policy proposals, on Tuesday."

Source: Earther, 07/08/2020


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