Environmental Politics

Top Biden Climate Advisor, Others Preview 2021 Energy and Enviro News

President Biden’s national climate advisor Gina McCarthy joined an outspoken U.S. senator and a roundtable of elite journalists last week to preview dramatic changes possibly ahead in U.S. and international climate policy, environmental justice, clean energy and more. Get the upshot from the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 2021 Guide to Energy & Environment event. Plus, watch video of the full program.

SEJ Publication Types: 

BLM Exodus: Agency Lost 87 Percent Of Staff In Trump HQ Relocation

"After the Trump administration announced its plans to relocate the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) headquarters to Colorado, more than 87 percent of Washington-based employees decided to leave the agency, according to new numbers released by the Biden administration."

Source: The Hill, 01/29/2021

"Court Order Widens EPA Options to Drop ‘Secret Science’ Rule"

"A federal court decision delaying the effective date of the EPA’s science transparency rule gives the Biden administration a pathway to unravel it, including the use of the same procedural tool the Trump administration team used to write it, legal scholars say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/29/2021

"How Biden’s Climate Ambitions Could Shift America’s Global Footprint"

"President Joseph R. Biden on Wednesday said climate change should be regarded as “an essential element of U.S. foreign policy and national security.” That is likely to bring big changes for America’s role in the world."

Source: NYTimes, 01/28/2021

Kerry Promises US Climate Change Diplomacy Won’t Weaken China Policy

"John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate change issues, just addressed one of the biggest concerns early critics have of the new administration: Whether the White House will make unsavory concessions to China in exchange for progress on climate issues."

Source: Vox, 01/28/2021

"Biden, Emphasizing Job Creation, Signs Sweeping Climate Actions"

"President Biden on Wednesday signed a sweeping series of executive actions — ranging from pausing new federal oil leases to electrifying the government’s vast fleet of vehicles — while casting the moves as much about job creation as the climate crisis."

Source: NYTimes, 01/28/2021

Coal Communities Want Biden to Fund an Economic Transition to Clean Power

"Coal-state economic development groups, labor leaders and environmentalists are asking President Joe Biden’s administration to fund a “just transition” from coal to renewable energy, given his focus on climate change, environmental justice and racial and economic equity."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/27/2021


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