Environmental Politics

Where Canada’s Federal Parties Stand On Three Big Climate Issues

"Canadians who watched the English-language leaders’ debate learned little about the differences between the climate policies of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives, Jagmeet Singh’s NDP and Annamie Paul’s Greens. Here’s what the federal election debate missed".

Source: The Narwhal, 09/14/2021

"Committee OKs Methane Fee, Launches Debate On Climate Plan"

"The Energy and Commerce Committee advanced parts of its sprawling budget reconciliation bill in a marathon markup yesterday but punted until later today a fight over Democrats’ marquee climate policy."

Source: E&E News, 09/14/2021

"Out West, Biden Points To Wildfires To Push For Big Rebuild"

"President Joe Biden on Monday used his first Western swing in office to hold out the wildfires burning across the region as an argument for his $3.5 trillion rebuilding plans, calling year-round fires and other extreme weather a climate change reality the nation can no longer ignore."

Source: AP, 09/14/2021

"Emails, Docs Show TVA’s Ties To Fight Against Federal Regs"

"The statement from the Tennessee Valley Authority’s chief executive sounded straightforward. In “no instances,” Jeff Lyash assured members of Congress two years ago, had the federal power giant given a utility industry trade group the go-ahead to represent it in court challenges to stricter air pollution regulations."

Source: E&E News, 09/14/2021

Tracking the Big Climate Bills — An Infrastructure/Reconciliation Breakdown

During the next two weeks, expect a rush of Congressional activity as both chambers attempt to set details that will constitute what some see as possibly the most important climate legislation in years. TipSheet helps you keep track of the action, first setting the stage on two massive measures, and then providing resources to track more than half-a-dozen House committees.

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"Ruth Etzel Speaks Out Ahead of EPA Whistleblower Hearing"

"The US Environmental Protection Agency is failing to protect children by ignoring poisons in the environment and focusing on corporate interests, according to a top children’s health official who will testify this week that the agency tried to silence her because of her insistence on stronger preventions against lead poisoning."

Source: Guardian, 09/13/2021


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