Environmental Politics

"Glasgow Climate Summit At Risk Of Failure, U.N. Chief Warns"

"United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said a critical meeting on climate change later this year in Scotland is at risk of failure due to mistrust between developed and developing countries and a lack of ambitious goals among some emerging economies."

Source: Reuters, 09/17/2021

"House Panel Expands Inquiry Into Climate Disinformation by Oil Giants"

"The House Oversight Committee has widened its inquiry into the oil and gas industry’s role in spreading disinformation about the role of fossil fuels in causing global warming, calling on top executives from Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, as well as the lobby groups American Petroleum Institute and the United States Chamber of Commerce, to testify before Congress next month."

Source: NYTimes, 09/17/2021

"90% Of Global Farm Subsidies Damage People And Planet, Says UN"

"Almost 90% of the $540bn in global subsidies given to farmers every year are “harmful”, a startling UN report has found. This agricultural support damages people’s health, fuels the climate crisis, destroys nature and drives inequality by excluding smallholder farmers, many of whom are women, according to the UN agencies."

Source: Guardian, 09/16/2021

Illinois Gov. Signs Far-Reaching Energy Bill That Ends Coal, Aids Nuclear

"Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed wide-ranging legislation overhauling Illinois’ energy sector on Wednesday, calling the bill a “giant leap forward” for the state as it works to address the effects of climate change and establish “aggressive” clean energy standards."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 09/16/2021

"Democrats Advance Climate Bill As Advocates Gird For A Fight"

"The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a historic suite of climate and environmental policies in a marathon two-day markup, kicking off a pressure campaign as Democrats look to move quickly on their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package."

Source: E&E News, 09/16/2021

"Biden To Host Leaders To Discuss Climate Change Ahead Of A UN Summit"

"President Biden will virtually convene on Friday some of the leaders of the nations most responsible for climate change, urging them to do more to slash greenhouse gas emissions ahead of a critical United Nations summit in November."

Source: NYTimes, 09/16/2021


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