Environmental Politics

Big Agriculture Warns Farming Must Change Or Risk ‘Destroying The Planet’

"Food companies and governments must come together immediately to change the world’s agricultural practices or risk “destroying the planet”, according to the sponsors of a report by some of the largest food and farming businesses released on Thursday."

Source: Guardian, 11/03/2022

"2/3 of US Money For Fossil Fuel Pours Into Africa Despite Climate Goals"

"Joe Biden will head to Egypt next week to tout America’s re-emergence as a leader on the climate crisis at the Cop27 talks. But he will be landing in a continent that the US continues to pour billions of dollars into for fossil fuel projects, with seemingly no end in sight despite the president’s promises."

Source: Guardian, 11/01/2022

Biden Warns of Windfall Tax To Stop Oil Company ‘War Profiteering’

"President Joe Biden escalated weeks of sharp warnings to energy producers on Monday by floating a so-called “windfall” tax on their corporate profits, calling out major gas companies for racking up gains from a spike in prices he attributes to Russia’s war in Ukraine."

Source: CNN, 11/01/2022

ESA Inaction Spells Trouble for an Iconic Grassland Bird

The lesser prairie-chicken is in dire need of protection, but a decision on listing it under the Endangered Species Act is months overdue. Environmental reporter Mike Smith looks at the causes and potential consequences of the bureaucratic delay and muses on whether this unique bird will go the way of its even more imperiled relative, the Attwater’s prairie-chicken.

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